
If you Knew...

Imagine knowing things before they actually happened. Knowing the outcome before the action. Would it change your choices, change what you think or what you believe?

If you knew that love could break your heart, would you stand still long enough for cupid's arrow to strike - or would you run like hell?

If you knew that lying could come back to bite you in the ass - would you tell the truth?

If you knew that telling the truth was so hard, would you lie instead?

If you knew that letting someone get close to you meant being vulnerable, would you still open the door?

If you knew that education really didn't guarantee you a successful career, would you still go to college?

If you knew that sitting too close to the tv didn't really make your eyes go bad, would you sit within inches of the screen so you could get a birds eye view of your favorite cartoon?

If you knew that making funny faces didn't make your face get stuck that way, would you stick your tongue out at people more often?

If you knew that money was the root of all evil, would you still play the lottery?

If you knew that your parents really weren't perfect, would you still wish to be like them when you grew up?

If you knew that friends really were not forever, would you make friends?

If you knew that there really are starving children in China, would you never waste food?

If you knew that it was true - what comes around goes around - would you be a nicer person?

If you knew that having kids meant that some day they grow up and hate you, would you still wish to be a parent?

If you knew things, knew the outcome, knew the pain it may or may not cause, would you still want to know anything?

I think I wish I didn't know anything.


  1. NewYorkMoments said...
    I'd go back to college any day.
    Networkchic said...
    Yes it was easier then...just party, sleep and sometimes pretend I was working towards something. Heaven.
    Sky said...
    I wish I did know everything so I could prevent some of the heartache in my life. There are some things, even if I knew, I wouldn't change but other things that I would.
    WDKY said...
    You seem to be a bit morose at the moment, nwc... come and lie on my couch (there's a bit of a queue but it's worth the wait).

    The thing with knowing, though, is that it makes us grow as individuals. We have to do it.

    Sometimes the knowing feels like shit (you left out "If you knew there was no Santa would you still ask for as many presents") but that's all part of the game of life. We need to rejoice in the pain. (Yeah, right.)
    Networkchic said...
    I guess I've just been reflecting a lot lately. It's coming on my 3 year anniversary with my sig other and I'm trying to evaluate where we are, where we're going. I do a lot of self reflection...and it seems to help.

    As for that couch of yours...it's mighty tempting.
    Networkchic said...
    Maybe it would be not living, but sometimes you have to wonder or wish you knew the outcome before you made the mistake.
    finally forgiving said...
    I think you'd be bored senseless if you knew everything. Where's the risk? Risk and the unknown is what makes life so grand, right? Eh, maybe not. But I love not knowing...because well, I like being surprised.
    ... j said...
    somtimes the life of a hillbilly redneck seems so appealing doesnt it....

    that is someone who is just plainly dumb as rocks.
    WDKY said...
    You got that right, ub...
    Kate B. said...
    good post. and a hard one to answer honestly, to myself or anyone else. So I'll just leave a note of my admiration and I'll be off to think about it on my own. :-)
    kimmyk said...
    gosh those are all hard questions with answers that i dont know what i would do. i know i would change things in my life but then who knows where i'd be. i'm in a good place for once-i'm just glad i'm here i guess. a few years ago i was in a place that was so full of drama and chaos, i would have given anything to be where i am now back then....ahhh well.

    what doesnt kill ya....er so they say.
    NML/Natalie said...
    Fab post, fab questions, that most of them I probably wouldn't want to know the answer to. Knowing would make life boring and it's all about about taking chances, risks, even when we don't know that we are. Everything we do challenges us in some way and we learn things. Our parents tell us things and we often ignore it and further down the line we recognise how right they were. Human nature is to learn the hard way. If you haven't lost, how do you know what it's truly like to gain?

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