As I sit here this morning I have this weird pit in the bottom of my stomach. At first, I can't imagine why I'm feeling this way. It reminds me of how I used to get sick to my stomach the night before a big test, mainly because I didn't study as much as I should have. So anyway, I'm sitting here, my pulse is a little higher than normal, I can't seem to concentrate at all, and then it hits me. The memory. Today it's been one week since I ran into the musician. It's funny how you can go a whole week wrapping yourself in denial. Tonight I have my guitar lesson and instead of thinking about the songs I learned last week that I'll have to play solo this week, I'm thinking about the walk up to the building before and after class. I'm wondering if I'll walk quickly, looking at the ground, pretending there is no outside world. I'm wondering if I'll see him again, and if I don't, will I be disappointed or relieved? Will I park farther away from the place I know he'll be, or will I find a way to place myself in close proximity so my chances for an encounter might be greater? If I see him, will he see me? If I run away again, will I end up back in this place? I'm confused. This pit in the bottom of my stomach could be a warning, to run away from this memory. I'm in a relationship and I love 'volley'. It's kind of ironic if you think about it. Running away landed me straight on the path to one man, yet in my attempt to regain bits and pieces of my former self, I've come back to the place I started. The place he said I'd come back to. I guess that's how most songs go, they start and end with the same refrain.
Or, maybe, we could just dwell on the romance, the inevitablity, the poetry of it all.
When all's said and done, NC, you make your own destiny.