
Signs, signs, everywhere signs

Hurricane Rita is making her way towards the gulf. New Orleans engineers are working feverishly to mend the rest of the levy breaches so the Big Easy doesn't flood again. I feel for that city...but mostly I'm asking, "why or why can't anybody take this as a sign...don't rebuild that city in the same place." "It's going to flood." The question isn't 'if' rather it's 'when'. It got me thinking about signs...when we see them or hear them, do we pay attention? How about this, you walk out of your house in the morning on your way to work, you look up at the sky, it's cloudy and dark, you think to yourself, it's going to rain. Do you go back inside and get your umbrella....most likely you don't. Instead you stand at the bus stop or the train station and you curse because it's now pouring and you are getting wet. Hmmm, wasn't that dark cloudy sky a sign? Ok, so that's a simple sign. How about the more difficult ones. You meet this hot guy, he asks you to dinner, you accept. You make plans, set the time and the date, and then you wait. The night comes when you are supposed to go out, he doesn't come. He doesn't call, email, stop by, flash a red flag (because you surely would have seen the red flag). Do you write him off or do you accept his call when he tries to explain a family emergency kept him from contacting you? Let's say you do accept his lame apology, you set another date. This time he shows, you go to dinner, you eat, you chat, you are having fun. The check comes....he says, "let's split it." Um wait, didn't he ask you out? Didn't he stand you up before? Doesn't he at least owe you dinner? Well maybe, but you pay 1/2 anyway. You have sex, it kind of sucks...and not in a good way. Somehow you end up starting a relationship with this guy. This is how it goes....usually you make dates, sometimes he shows sometimes he doesn't, but he always has a good excuse. The times he does show, you pay. Sometimes he promises he'll call...and you wait, he doesn't call. Your sex consists of him satisfying himself, then falling asleep, leaving you less than satisfied. He's not really the guy you dreamed of, yet you let him stick around. How many signs does it take before you give him the boot? My point, we don't pay attention to signs. I bet most of you have had relationships like the one I described. I bet most of you have left home without an umbrella even though it looks like rain. I guess this is why we'll spend billions to rebuild a city in a place that will surely be destroyed again, because we don't care about signs. We like to learn everything the hard way.


  1. WDKY said...
    Great post! Yes, we've all done it (not necessarily with guys, I hasten to add) and I suspect the issue relates to our state of mind at the time. Sometimes, we're on top of the world, and don't need anyone or anything. Other times, we take what we can get, because we don't fancy being on our own.

    Stupid? Absolutely! Forgiveable? I reckon.

    PS The guy you describe, though? Hmmmm... if it was for real, you should have dumped him after the dinner and the bad sex.
    Networkchic said...
    Ah you are so right...why is it we always think bad sex will be better the second time. I guess we're generous. ;-)
    NewYorkMoments said...
    Oh my God...I'm ALWAYS giving guys a second & usually a 3rd chance. But that's the limit. & that's an improvement--That's how I ended up w/ my last loser boyfriend. How sad.
    WDKY said...
    You girls had better hope you never meet anyone who looks good, pays for dinner and gives you the shagging of your life. What would you do then? It'd be a whole new experience...
    k o w said...
    Maybe we just don't want the hassle of going out and finding someone new? We find our comfort zone and stay in it but we're only kidding ourselves by saying we're comfy. Did that make sense?
    Networkchic said...
    That made total sense. Isn't it strange how we end up in things because of our comfort zone and when you really look at the big picture, it isn't comfortable at all. I've learned my lesson...after a few hundred knocks to my noggin.
    WDKY said...
    What's a noggin?
    Networkchic said...
    a noggin is your head..the one on top of your shoulders.
    Networkchic said...
    I like Sireens's sign...let's all obey.
    WDKY said...
    Chance would be a fine thing!
    ScottyGee said...
    Been there and done that. I have stuck with some craaaaaaaazy girls just out of convenience. Too lazy to go through the fight of getting out of a bad relationship.

    We all suck! =)

    Hopefully that one person will come around that you don't have to give a second chance. They'll get it perfect right from the start.

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