Have you ever had to ride the train next to a person that smells? If not, you are lucky. On my morning commute I had the pleasure of standing next to someone that smelled of urine and cheap cologne. It's bad enough that I have to stand the whole way in on the train, but now my somewhat peaceful trip has turned into me holding my breath for most of the ride. Do you know how hard it is to hold your breath for 25 minutes? It's not easy. I'm one of those riders that knows how to obey the rules of Public Transportation....you know the ones I'm speaking of. Hold your head down, don't make eye contact, don't let any body part brush up against the body part of someone else, don't move over when someone is trying to get past you, and don't bring some rannk body smell with you on the train. Obviously this guy didn't get the memo.
I really wanted to shove him over so he wasn't standing so close to me but that would have broken one of the 'rules'. Why do people smell? Can't they smell themselves or is it that they can smell themselves but they really like the odor of Polo cologne mixed with PP.
Good effing post!