
These cheeks were made for...

Stand up for yourself will ya? Why? Because I said. So what. Hey you better listen to me, I know what I'm talking about. So what. Don't you 'so what' me young lady, I'm your conscience and I can make things really bad for you. Oh yeah like how? Well for starters I'm going to send this picture to your mother, imagine how she'll react seeing that little bit of cheek exposed for all the world to see. Well I imagine she'll be proud, after all - I got them cheeks from her. Being a hardass is inherited ya know. Thanks mom. Happy Nekkkkid Thursday.


  1. k o w said...
    You keep raising the bar. How am I to compete each week?
    Networkchic said...
    Ya know what k o w, you could post that pic of your butt each week and I'd be one happy chicky.
    finally forgiving said...
    nice one! Happy HNT! :) And I agree, k o w's ass is wonderful.
    kimmyk said...
    Tiny ass.
    Y'all showin your asses up in here....it's nice.

    Keep up the good work. *thumbs up!*
    WDKY said...
    God, I so want to bite that...
    Her Daddy's Eyes said...
    Well, well, lookie here...I'm beginning to LOVE Thursdays! I feel like I get to know everyone so much better! *wink*
    TJ said...
    I had the same thought as wdky--I could just give you a little bite on the other cheek so they both would match.

    very sexy HNT pic!

    oh, and thanks for the comments on my site--consider yourself arrested! I'll have the court whip up a subpoena today ordering you to appear in Philadelphia asap...
    Anonymous said...
    next week you can turn the other cheek??

    LDR said...
    LOL! Gettin a little cheeky on us huh? I'm absolutely sure MOM would be proud! Hell, I'd be proud to have an ass like that! I'd parade it up and down the streets in those jeans that Howard Stern wore once - the ones with the buttcheeks cut out... yeah, that's it! (Think they make em in a 28" inseam for short ppl?)
    Sky said...
    chic, I am shocked and appalled (not really)...lol. Nice cheek, ya got there. Now I want to know how you managed to take that picture.
    ... j said...
    CHEEKS!!!!!~ CHEEEKS!~!!!! hrm... can we get a shot somewhere in the middle of them there cheeks? ;)
    Kate B. said...
    Happy HNT. Cool pic. :-)
    Lee Ann said...
    Nice pic! Happy HNT!
    Networkchic said...
    TJ - will they have handcuffs?

    WDKY - I could use a little nibble.
    TJ said...
    I'm sure that I could find a set of cuffs around here someplace, or you could provide your own if you have a favorite pair.

    and since wdky is all the way over in England, I'd be happy to give a nibble for both of us. ;)
    Blondie... said...
    BTW, very sexy sexy tush!

    Happy HNT!!
    Networkchic said...
    Sky, taking the pic was actually pretty easy with a full length mirror and a little twist of the camera over the shoulder. I'm pretty flexible, after all I was a gymnast.

    TJ - some lawyers bite hard, you promise to be gentle?
    Mara said...
    sweet cheeks girl! Happy HNT

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