
what love is?

Do you remember the first time you told someone you loved them? Someone other than your mom or dad that is... When I was fourteen I was sure I knew what love was. It was the butterflies in my stomach when I heard my boyfriend's voice. It was the anticipation of seeing him every morning before school. Love was that feeling I knew would last forever - no matter what. Do you remember the first time you realized that loving someone hurts like hell? When I was sixteen and twenty and twenty five and thirty and....I was sure that I had no idea what love really was. It was hard realizing that those butterflies in your stomach eventually flutter off into oblivion and that the anticipation of seeing someone you love quickly turns into an expectation. It took me a long long time to admit that the memory of love sometimes lasts longer than the love itself. And now I'm thirty-something and still I'm not exactly sure I can define that word - love. Is it a feeling? Is it an action? Is it something we're all entitled too? Can you give it back if you don't want it? Can you shape it into something that suits you better? Can you lay it down if it becomes to heavy? Will it save you? Will it comfort you? Will it be something special - always? I'm not sure I can answer any of those things but this morning I think I felt it, touched it, heard it...when my sig. other kissed me on the forehead as he passed me in the hallway and said, "you're really pretty." Maybe love is what we never thought it would be - simple.


  1. Rex said...
    I'm just learning what love is, but I think you're right. It really is simple. The thing I'm learning in the program is that sometimes the simpliest things in life are the hardest to do!
    Anonymous said...
    oh I like Rex response...tis true!

    My hubby is the first person who really pulled his energy into my soul..I was scared at first, thank go I let go and embraced him!!!!!

    I believe there are so many colors of love.Non can truly be compared just like the very people we feel that strong pull towards.
    Love Love Love...we all need it don't we? It just takes some of us time to learn to trust ourselves with it..but it happens eventually.

    I have seen your picture, you are pretty.I am glad your man can take time to remind himself of that!

    As always, enjoyed your post today.
    Thanks for sharing~
    Mama Dukes said...
    I will never forget Gary, my first love. And now I've watched my step-daughter lose her first love. My son Nik is married to his first love.
    But what my son Lonny taught me about Love is that it is never enuff.
    And the Darling Man I married to now has let me know how simple love and life can be when I am not making it simply complicated.

    I happen to love the way you express yourself. Thank you.
    Unknown said...
    God, I remember first love like nothing else. I could not sleep. The first time I uttered the words were in writing to a girl I met at summer camp. I never saw her again. *Crushed*

    The second love thingy has never really gone away. It has stuck with me since High School. It is odd that I still harbor feelings even though I moved on many moons ago and am married now. God I followed her around like a puppy dog. My whole life revolved around when I was going to see her nextr. How many minutes.....PErhaps it was all lust! hehe

    Now love *does* seem simple.
    Spitfire said...
    Love is totally simple. It is just difficult to understand for those of us who lead our lives with complexity. Those of us who are geniuses, of course.
    Sunshine said...
    AAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! Isn't it wonderful how our definition of love can grow and change? : )
    WDKY said...
    Love is simple. And complicated. It's joy, and it's pain. It's the biggest conundrum there is, and we all want it desparately.

    Well, I have Lola...
    Caterpillar said...
    I love WDKY's response - he always puts things in such perfect ways!

    And I love love love the end of this post!
    NML/Natalie said...
    This was a great post that made me smile..wistfully in places as I remembered my naivety on some occasions....one of the things I learnt is depending on environment and circumstance plus how you feel about yourself personally, love can be what you think it is at the time.

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