
fighting for a cause

I cannot believe how cold it is. Today will be a high of 46 and can you believe that this morning we actually had to scrape the frost off the car windows? What is this world coming to when it's this cold in October?

On another slightly colder note...I was reading about how the Insurgents in Iraq have claimed a surge in violence in honor of Ramadan. Wow, how special that they celebrate a holy month by killing more innocent people. You know, I don't agree with the war in Iraq but, there is never a justified reason for killing innocent people. I can't imagine growing up in a country where you are taught that as long as you have a good reason and a religious cause to go behind it, it's ok to kill people. Some of you may not know that I'm married to a man who is 1/2 Palestinian. His father is Muslim but my husband is not practicing. It's been a wedge between us every time his father starts babbling about how those suicide bombers are justified because Israel started this whole mess. I always reply, does it really matter who started it when a child loses his/her life? It always shuts him up.

As much as I try not to focus too much attention on what's going on 'over there', it's hard because I've always been a person who is up on politics and world happenings. You know what bothers me the most? It's trying to figure out how I will explain to my children why people feel justified in war. You know when I was a kid I never thought about wars. I was born too late to experience any aftermath of any of the 3 wars this country has been involved in. I think that my parents never knew they should be grateful for that.

Today I want to live some place where war isn't a reality. Does that place exist?


  1. Anonymous said...
    Look inside yourself Net..
    Thanks for sharing .
    PG said...
    Heaven, I hope.
    Until then, we need to go to the the prairie fields in Kansas, the warm sands in Utah, visit the Alaskan peninsula, and our coastlines.
    If we hold our childrens hands and our friends hands when we do this... maybe the world will feel the energy of such beauty....
    Shannon said...
    we can not take the weight of the world on our shoulders. I pray and give the troops, the innocents and others to God... and I focus on the things that are here and around me now- and when I hear about the horrible things going over there, I cry, and I pray, I try not to stay focused on it... I dont know if its right or wrong... but I know worry wont help me and the people around me today

    I hope you have a great day!
    Southern Sweetheart said...
    Within my friend. Look within.....

    I, too, pray about this situation and the men, women, and children staring it in the face. I can't handle it alone, but thankfully I don't have to....
    keda said...
    not at the moment no. but i' not sure it ever has..

    though your parents hid it or themselves from the reality there was war all over the world even when you were growing up, and both yours and my governments were supporting them in one way or another.

    the best thing we can do as another generation who want peace and are better informed, educated and aware is to remain so.

    and to teach our children about it. and speak out against injustice and violence war and encourage our children to do the same.

    if we only look inside we can never change anything. we have to look and DO if we ever want change. and help not only ourselves but the next generation, by teaching, with love and compassion.

    have a lovely weekend sweetie.
    kimmyk said...
    I never wanted to explain any of that to my children, but we all got a reality check when their dad was sent overseas to fight in the crazy ass war.

    Is there a place where war isn't a reality? In the comfort of our own homes with the tv off all snuggled in bed. That's where I find my solace with my children.
    WDKY said...
    Yes, I agree with some of the comments above... within is always a good place to start. And finish, for that matter.

    It's getting cold here too... but I kind of like it. I've had a lot of sun this year!
    lash505 said...
    yeah. a place exists, but it damn sure isn't here..
    Unknown said...
    I am grateful I live in the US even with all the faults we have. I would not want to be anyplace else.

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