A tale of two sisters
5 years ago
Some Words about Some things that matter
The funny thing about being a techie is that I actually hate fixing techie things outside of my normal daily scope. I let my computer at home sit quietly gathering dust because quite honestly I'm all techied out by the end of the day. But...I got so sick and tired of Blogger not showing my posts that I had to pull out my hat of tricks and dig deep in my reservoir to try and fix it. Now...the true test is if you all can see what I write so please....comment and let me know. If all is good I'll be back with my mildly amusing words tomorrow.
I have been coming by everyday to check
last week if I waited long enough I was about to highlight where the words would be but not post
so glad you fixed it
how are you feeling NWC
Tide with Bleach... very cute, sireene... I think a LOT of blogs need that!!
I can see you VERY clearly now, miss Network Chic!
Honestly, I find the simpler my blogger template, the fewer issues I have with it..
Actually, I find the simpler ALL things are in life, the better!
Less 'system' crashes!
Can see you - and you look BEAUTIFUL!!
Oh, there you are.
Glad to see you again...
Oh I see you!!!
happy you're back
was it really the bleach?