A tale of two sisters
5 years ago
Some Words about Some things that matter
My daughter makes me laugh. Sometimes I look at her and see myself many many years ago before life made me cynical. I pray every day that my child never experiences the pain that I did in my childhood. I pray that I'll be strong enough to show her the right path to choose when she comes to me with those questioning eyes. We have so much responsibility to help them through the hardships we know will surely come. Today I'm grateful for my scars because they give me strength.
Happy Half Nekkid Thursday
They need to have their own set of scars to be grateful for...
Beautiful day we're having, 'eh?
We have some synchronicity going on, it seems...
(Blimey, nearly forgot that bit!)
Spittin' image of you, I bet???
I have no dooubt you are on the right track with her. How can you NOT be? Look at her!
What sunshine!
Have a fantastic day!
We parents have to remember to let our babies explore,fall and heal ,so they will learn & grow.
I will always be in the shadows incase they need me later in life.
(like Nanny McPhee! lol )
Happy HNT !
Thanks for sharing ~
I'm going to love up my 2 yr old graddaughter this weekend. She doesn't see my scars but she gets the best of me cause I have 'em.
Enjoy your today darlin'
But do tell her I see her,
Is she not the cutest damn thing you ever saw?
You work those sunglasses you cutiepatootie! *snaps*
(and adorable, too!)
Happy HNT.