A tale of two sisters
5 years ago
Some Words about Some things that matter
stumbling through the hallways of my life
knocking my knees on misplaced furniture
feeling the walls around me
hoping they would lead somewhere
tripping on memories thrown by the wayside
swallowed by the darkness
frustrated by the blindness
I rubbed my eyes
a glimmer of light
I can see it now
wide open spaces
no hallways
no walls
no broken pieces to make me stumble
just light
and hope
and something - better
my eyes are open
For a minute there, though, I thought you might'a had pink-eye...
Happy HNT, lady!
Very lovely words and photo.
Happy HNT!
Happy HNT! :)
I love Kasey Chambers Music as well.
p.s. I also like the new big dog/little dog pic.
Chuck, I like that quote and it's so true. Glad you like the new pic, it seemed fitting.
I love those big dog/little dog pictures!!